“In the midst of the grape strike, Chavez came to Salinas. Sabino was one of hundreds of farmworkers waiting expectantly at the Towne House Motel. A short Mexican wearing a large hat brushed by Sabino and excused himself as he made his way to the front of the room. When he took the podium, Sabino realized he had just had his first encounter with Cesar Chavez. Just as in Delano, his unimposing stature stood in sharp contrast to the inspiring speech. Chavez talked about wages and working conditions, but also dignity, justice, and respect. The message resonated with Sabino, isolated in the fields with only a few years of elementary school, no English, but great pride. Quietly, Sabino burned at the way growers viewed Mexican farmworkers – industrious but never smart. The Mexicans had a saying: Como dios a los conejos, chiquitos y orejones. The way God looks at rabbits, short with big ears. Sabino had few complaints about his situation at Merrill. But he could not forget the way his father had been cavalierly fired after years of good work, just for an offhand remark by his clueless son.”
except from The Union of Their Dreams |  |